An Eerie Fall...

Posted 2 days ago :: Last edited 1 day ago by Speedy

Paprika finds himself once again visiting the studio.. He's been called in to once more take over for the old bones.. It's nothing new at this point, but.. Hm. Surely, a monthly reoccurence should be.. monthly? Not once every two months.. It's not as if Pap blames ol' Inkwell, the guy's got a lot on his mind and it seems his friend the researcher is continuously trying to get him involved in things- so you'd think the higher ups would take notice sooner than this. It's been decent fun hanging out with Inkwell in the past, and Pap wouldn't mind sharing the spotlight more with him, but at this rate, it seems like the spotlight is going to be lonely..

And sure enough, as expected.. In the studio, and not a bone in sight.. Hrm.. Not a SINGLE bone, in fact.. Even that skeleton that always hangs out in the studio is gone. Guess Inkwell must've removed that prop.. What was it for, anyway..?.. And, on that note, the place actually looks somewhat.. tidied up. Except for a single letter addressed to Paprika.. Hmm..

"Contractor Paprika, congratulations! You've been chosen to represent the news. Inkwell has requested a transfer to the reporter department, and will be dealing with situations as they unfold at the scene. His request has been officially approved, which left a hole in the news casting department. You have been chosen to fill that hole!" Paprika pauses. That's some .. word choice there. Wonder which intern had to write this. "After your successful report last week-" .. Two months ago, at this point, you mean.. "-it was clear to us you were the right choice for this position. Please let us know of your decision to accept this job by the end of the year."

Paprika goes into a frown.. So they've known Inkwell was planning on shifting jobs for.. months now? Is this why he was asked to fill in during the summer..? But to not approach him for literally months after that.. and to leave a letter in the studio rather than sent it to him.. Ho boy. How out of touch are these managers.. Wait, there's the reason: They're managers.. Anyway, time to get to work.

"..Hello fans everywhere!.. So, turns out the old bones seems to have found himself a new line of work to pursue.. Well, good on him, but that leaves only ME to do the news around here- ain't that exciting?! Maybe I can overhaul the program a little, work the stiffness out.. really debone the news, hah!.. No offense Inky, if you're watching..

Let's actually get started here: We're smack dabberoni in the middle of our grand fall event; the Slumbering Feast!"

Event Header

"Like every year, we're honoring our ancestors and all that jazz after the turtonics spread back out after the events of the previous festival. This year we got ourselves Mynrosians looking for some spooky locales, folks dressing up rather silly, a big ol' cauldron of gifts for the little ones as well as the big ones who like surprises.. and finally, discovering creepy crawlies out in the wild- a new activity for young and old, just be sure to keep your distance. Remember, during the Slumbering Feast the seasonal shop gives out goodies even if the cauldron itself isn't around, so check the shop every month!"

Event Header

"A new festival also means new pets and new traits! Why we decide to reveal new information during festivals? I honestly can't tell you. Tradition? But it seems like there are plenty of new forms Mynrosians can take. And you don't even need to take a potion for these!.. Though if we're talking potions.."

Oracle Task

"Despite all the nice help during the last two months, it seems the Oracle is sick of Leander moping around, and requests you take him out for a break! I would consider that a pretty dang nice thing to ask.."

Oracle Quest

"If it weren't for the fact that the Oracle themself actually requests the same pampering as Leander has received. If you ask me, that assistant should simply quit his job, but I feel like if it weren't for him, the Oracle Shop would be closed indefinitely.. They're open fully this month, though, so be sure to take advantage of that. I did hear there's more in store for us, something new brewing.. But that's probably a new flavor of potion. Apparently there's one that changes you into a pooltoy now? I'm not taking any chances with that stuff. And while speaking of magic brews, I heard news that they're taking students for magic again? Lots of interesting news can be read on the Magic pages.. Seems like a lore overhaul is incoming, thank Polybios for that."

Oracle Quest

"..Aaand after last month's sweater weather, it seems the chills aren't over yet. I've yet to introduce our new balloon friends, but let's just say they are masters at giving us creepy stories! Some say they have ancient knowledge of mhoats, that because of some strange magic they've become fearsome creatures.. Well, they sure know the spirit of the season. I don't trust that nonsense one bit, but it successfully scares folk all around."

Halloween Horrors

"..Can't really continue without introducing them: Gellys! Apparently they were the 'mystery balloons' that I mentioned last news report.. Always love that I get absolutely no information aside from a few cue cards, right.. I can't tell much about them, but they're a new species found on the last expedition. The mainland is as dangerous as ever, but these friendly folk survived just fine, and some came back to the islands. I suppose you'll find them around more and more as time progresses. For now, they're still a bit shy, so info is sporadic and they're not yet ready to have their children interact with ours- fair enough, if you ask me! Let's get to know each other first. They're no creation of Yel and Myn, so relationships are not as easily built as with the vabbits.."

... Pap paused. That was quite a lot.. And there's yet more to cover. But perhaps it's fine to let folk find some things out for themselves, and end it here for now. There's lots more to take care of, especially if he's really about to permanently take over..

"..Alright folk, that's all for now- As a final point, here's some nice art from the last few months!"

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"Pap out~!"

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