Magic Progression

Learning Magic

Learning magic begins with a Mynrosian gaining access to their internal magic pool and learning to connect with the surrounding elements. This first step begins a pathway through the various branches of magic. There are numerous branches and sub-branches, the mastery of which requires focus and dedication through constant practice and refinement of an individual’s magical skills.

Progressing magic requires the creation of art/writing that depicts the different tiers being achieved by a character. The basic requirements are outlined below and apply to all magic progression images, with additional requirements included in the ‘Magic Tiers’ section of this page.

  • Only a single character can earn magic progress per image, if not specifically stated we will choose the character who appears to be the focus of the piece.
  • Only the owner may earn magic progress for a character; so trades, gift art, or commissioned pieces will not be accepted.
  • At minimum, unlocking the different levels of magic requires a flat-colored halfbody in a clearly depicted scene or a written piece with a word count of at least 1000 words.

Species Specific Limitations

  • Vabbits by default may only learn the earth and fire elemental branches, they have a natural affinity that limits their access to the other elements.
  • The Jet Exhaust and Leviathan traits make it so a vabbit is unable to learn earth magic, but in exchange, they gain access to air magic.
  • The Swim trait removes a vabbits affinity for earth magic, but in return, they gain access to water magic.


Magic acquisition is measured in tiers, as a Mynrosian advances through the tiers they gain access to more controlled and advanced levels of magic. Magic progresses consistently across the various branches, with a primer unlocking an entire branch of magic while three tiers allow mastery of a specific sub-branch.

These are the first hurdles any Mynrosian seeking to unlock a branch of the magic tree must complete. Primers are often centered around understanding the internal magic an individual can wield, refining that control as they progress into advanced branches of magic.

Tier 1 - Conjuration
This tier is about learning to summon forth the basic sparks of a sub-branch of magic. These early attempts of magic are often unsteady, disappearing with the slightest loss of focus, so much of this tier is about developing the focus needed to summon forth these most basic displays of magic.

Tier 2 - Control
This is the tier where a Mynrosian develops control of the sub-branch beyond just summoning. At this tier, an individual moves on from summoning. Refining their control into the ability to intentionally manipulate the magic they summon forth in basic ways.

Tier 3 - Solidification
At this tier, a character has a level of confidence in the particular sub-branch they are studying. Instead of manipulating the magic they summon, this tier is about learning to shape it in unique ways. Solidifying their understanding of the magic and pushing it forward.

*The final tier of any sub-branch requires the input of an instructor such as Skylar, an acolyte from a temple specialized in the sub-branch of magic, or another Mynrosian who has attained mastery in the relevant magic. Meaning, that images completed at this stage will require two characters be present in the image.

Magic Pathways

When learning magic, the following prompts are required to complete the associated tier and progress a Mynrosians magic forward.

Basic Magic Primer
Pre-requisites: None

The basic magic primer is the first step in learning to wield magic, before a Mynrosian can manipulate the elements they must first learn to access the pool of magic within their own body. This internal magic is then wielded outward in simple displays of pure magic be it sparks, sparkles, or even a faint magical aura. This stage of magic is about magic in its rawest form and it often requires a sense of calm and an awareness of their own body. Many temples across Mynros hold meditation sessions that are meant to aid budding mages in attaining this first step in their magic journey.

Basic Primal Magic Branch
Pre-requisites: Basic Magic Primer
Sub-branches: Air, Earth, Fire, Water

  • Air Primal
    Tier 1 - This tier of air magic is focused on summoning forth the element. At this tier, the character can summon forth a flurry of wind for a short period. Magic at this tier is often unsteady, fizzling out shortly after being summoned.
    Tier 2 - This second tier of air magic is focused on developing control and learning to manipulate an element. At this tier, the character can manipulate air in basic ways, such as using air to float a light object over a short distance.
    Tier 3 - Mynrosians that have unlocked the third tier of air magic expand beyond basic control of this primal magic. At this tier, the character have refined their primal magic, allowing them to do things such as push a constant breeze through a small area or manipulate a cluster of material into a moving shape.
  • Earth Primal
    Tier 1 - This tier of earth magic is focused on summoning forth the element. At this tier, the character can exert a small force over pieces of soil or rocks for a short period. Magic at this tier is often unsteady, fizzling out shortly after being summoned.
    Tier 2 - This second tier of earth magic is focused on developing control and learning to manipulate an element. At this tier, the character can manipulate earth in basic ways, such as separating rock from soil or shifting a pile of sand to put out a fire.
    Tier 3 - Mynrosians that have unlocked the third tier of earth magic expand beyond basic control of this primal magic. At this tier, the character have refined their primal magic, allowing them to do things such as alter the shape of a piece of earth or convert a piece of stone into sand and vice versa.
  • Fire Primal
    Tier 1 - This tier of fire magic is focused on summoning forth the element. At this tier, the character can summon a flame for a short period. Magic at this tier is often unsteady, fizzling out shortly after being summoned.
    Tier 2 - This second tier of fire magic is focused on developing control and learning to manipulate an element. At this tier, the character can manipulate fire in basic ways, such as maintaining a steady flame to light a candle or moving a flame from one light source to another.
    Tier 3 - Mynrosians that have unlocked the third tier of fire magic expand beyond basic control of this primal magic. At this tier, the character have refined their primal magic, allowing them to do things such as push a flame into unique shapes, extinguish a large fire, or alter the temperature in an area by nullifying or increasing the heat present.
  • Water Primal
    Tier 1 - This tier of water magic is focused on summoning forth the element. At this tier, the character can draw water from the air and hold it in a small area for a short period. Magic at this tier is often unsteady, fizzling out shortly after being summoned.
    Tier 2 - This second tier of water magic is focused on developing control and learning to manipulate an element. At this tier, the character can manipulate water in basic ways, such as summoning water to fill a container or holding water in simple shapes while in the air.
    Tier 3 - Mynrosians that have unlocked the third tier of water magic expand beyond basic control of this primal magic. At this tier, the character have refined their primal magic, allowing them to do things such as filling a large area with water, altering the current of a water source, or pushing water into unique shapes.

Advanced Magic Primer
Pre-requisites: Mastery of any Primal Branch

Advanced Primal Magic Branch
Pre-requisites: Advanced Magic Primer & Mastery of Relevant Basic Primal Magic Branches
Sub-branches: Dark, Flight, Ice, Light, Lightning, Magma, Metal, Plants


Please note this page is in the process of being updated, and some information is still partially missing.