
Sea Wyvern

Sea Wyvern (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

An aquatic wyvern that swims the coastal waters in packs, they spend much of their time swimming among the corals and cliffs at the edges of islands hunting down oceanic parasites.


Foxylotl (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Freshwater counterpart of sea wyverns, they build nests into the sides of riverbanks and hunt for freshwater parasites that burrow into the silty soils beneath the water.


Snuffler (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Glutinous creatures that dig into the soil and break up the ground as they feed, growing continuously the more they eat. They share a symbiotic relationship with nudiphym in which they provide food and in return they receive aid with grooming.


Nudiphym (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

A group of floating creatures that spend much of their lives in the air consuming spores, pollen, and a variety of other small organisms, they share a symbiotic relationship with snufflers, landing on them to groom away parasites.


Angelfly (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Delicate insects that live in hives, they feed from a variety of magic sources to create honey, the food they eat determines the color of their bellies, and consuming concentrated magic can make them energetic and clumsy.


Caterpoggo (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Well-loved pet across Mynros for their role in protecting the nests of various Mynrosians, they are gentle with young but should a predator encroach the nest they will fiercely protect their territory and charges.


Chargel (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Extremely territorial creatures that fight whenever they cross paths and who live in forest canopies, they dig into the bark of trees with their crest of horns to pull up parasitic creatures that would otherwise harm their homes.


Eensie (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Large slugs that filter feed on mushroom spores in the air, the tops of their bodies have a spongey, soil-like texture that can grow small plants, making them perfect for maintaining small herb gardens in Mynrosian homes.


Sproutle (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Small beetles that emerge in spring with the growth of mushrooms that mimic fresh sprouts, flocking to these patches for easy camouflage during their mating season, often fighting with the horns on their head to carve out small territories and win a mate.


Jollyglo (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

An ocean creature drawn to feelings of joy and excess magic making them a common sight during the First Light Festival, they form and fade with the flow of positive energy, often invisible outside of large celebrations.

Fox o' Lights

Fox o' Lights (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Bodies of light that take on a fox-like appearance, they can split their body off into smaller motes that will collect magic and return to the larger body. Common during the summer, but otherwise elusive as they seek out areas of strong magic.

Knotty Spider

Knotty Spider (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

A strangely shaped spider that produces a constant flow of silk and can quickly spin the liquid out into fine thread, favored among Mynrosians since the silk can be used for a variety of things from bandages to adhesives.


Oribird (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

A strange bird that can fold and unfold its body and be written on, they are used across Mynros as couriers to carry messages able to find the recipient of the letter even if they are constantly on the move.


Gluttling (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Gluttlings as a peculiar creature with a soft body and a varied appetite, should a brave Mynrosian take a bite, they will be surprised to find that these creatures taste like a combination of the foods they have consumed.


Recycloon (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Semi-aquatic species that build their dens close to river banks and coastlines, which can inflate to triple their size while vacuuming up water and various trash which they then compress and slowly digest down into nutrients.

Pippom Bug

Pippom Bug (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

An insect that appears during pippom harvests and mimics the fruit they maintain, weeding out the bad or low quality fruits to improve the overall harvest so Mynrosians can have fresh fruit that last well into winter.


Tampukin (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Strange floating creatures that never seem to touch the ground, they consume the remnants of souls by snatching the energy from the air with the mouths on their back and carry messages of the deceased to their loved ones.


Globie (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Spherical birds that migrate from ancient icy turtonics to nest and lay their eggs in more temperate climes where dead plant material is abundant; when kept by Mynrosians they tend to function as small storage containers for various items.


Luggy (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Strange bug-like creatures commonly seen during the winter with an extremely thick shell that contains a superheated fire that keeps the luggy warm and produces soot which accumulates on their body in messy clusters.


Snowree (Standard)

Category: Pet Species
Species: Pets

Peculiar little snowmen that are solid during the winter and become a slushy puddle throughout the rest of the year, when melted they made little watery noises of distress to remind everyone of their plight.

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