
Balloon Faux Wings

Balloon Faux Wings (Summer)

Category: Vabbit Faux Wings
Species: Vabbits

This odd type of faux wing forms as a cluster of balloons tethered to a section of plating that forms on the vabbit's back. This plating can be a simple shape or even a slightly decorative simple shape, connecting the balloons to the vabbit's body. The strings of these balloons can be short or longer and may even allow the vabbit to float a few inches off the ground, but the denseness of their body prevents them from floating away entirely. The number of balloons can change and shift over time, losing them when the string tethering them to a vabbit's body is weakened.

Construct Faux Wings

Construct Faux Wings (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Faux Wings
Species: Vabbits

This trait allows a vabbit to form a pair of false wings with various appearances. The body of the wing is membranous skin or can even form fur and over the top, light pieces of plating can give them a variety of appearances.

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