Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell present on the bottom of its body, which allows it to float on water without becoming sticky or breaking apart. Due to this, it can only consume items or unfortunate pets who sit on its "deck", capturing them by furling its meal in the sails on its back.

This is a Pet subspecies of: Totes-a-Mhoat  

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Mhoat-Tote</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet mimics a tote bag and can be seen lingering near markets, the less observant mhoat may pick this up only to discover all their purchases have been consumed by this trickster.

This is a Pet subspecies of: Totes-a-Mhoat  

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Namudzu</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

This swamp-dwelling species makes its home in lands saturated in water or in deltas where fresh and saltwater meet in complicated and branching waterways. Their role in these muddy waters is to collect the thick sludge that forms throughout their environments and accumulate it at the roots of trees to create anchors that keep these plants in place, as well as to dig out locations where mushrooms take root and eventually fell these invasive and towering fungi. This constant movement of nutrients throughout their environments has the added benefit of shifting the layout of the land over time which allows for new plants to take root. When they aren't constantly terraforming their homes, these aquatic creatures seek shelter in the tangled roots below the murky waters of their swampy home.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Nudiphym</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Nudiphym are a group of lighter than air creatures that share a symbiotic relationship with snufflers. Their larger counterparts consume mushrooms, plants, and many other low to the ground meals that release pollen, spores, and a variety of other small organisms into the air for the much smaller nudiphym to feast on. Given how much food snufflers kick up into the air, it's common to see small colonies of these creatures following a single or several snufflers in groups. When not spending the vast majority of their time in the air, they will land directly on the snufflers and groom the various organisms that grow on a snuffler's hide.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Nyanemone</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A little aquatic creature that secures itself to various surfaces in its water home through the use of a suction-like foot as the base of the body. Due to this anatomical detail, the adorable face on this creature is actually a false one, with the true mouth being hidden in the cluster of tails at the top of the body. Similar to anemone, food is taken in by the mouth but also is used to expel waste products. The tails surrounding this mouth are used as a wiggly lure to encourage small fish and little parasitic creatures towards its mouth. Alongside these tempting lures, the nyanemone is able to purr, giving off vibrations to aid in attracting a variety of curious creatures. Despite being largely aquatic, these little creatures can spend periods of time on land, though their body grows droopy as they need the water to assist in maintaining their form.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Oribird</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Oribirds are creatures that can fold and unfold their body at will, when unfolded they resemble a square sheet of paper and always return to the original bird-like shape they are known for. Given their light weight and lack of bones, they are quite adept at flight being carried along by the flapping of their small winds and the use of wind currents to gain height. Across Mynros these odd birds find use as messengers, unfolding to allow Mynrosians to write out a message on their inner skin and then fold right back up to be sent off to deliver what was written. They have an uncanny ability to find whichever person the letter is meant for and no one is entirely clear on how they manage this.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Rock" class="display-item">Pet Rock</a>

Pet Rock

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Little beach crabs that eat anything; they compress food into solid sandy grains.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Wyrm" class="display-item">Petal Wyrm</a>

Petal Wyrm

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These strange slinky creatures like to hang out in tree canopies; when prey is plentiful these creatures will form colonies and make the tree they call home appear as if it is constantly in bloom. They feed on parasites that burrow under the bark of various trees or other plants by camouflaging themselves as blooming flowers and when these parasites dwindle in number petal wyrms will often move off to find a new tree, often leaving their colony and becoming solitary. Solitary wyrms tend to be more aggressive, making angry squeaks when threatened and being protective of their territories when others cross their boundaries.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Bug" class="display-item">Pippom Bug</a>

Pippom Bug

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Pippom fruits are a wild crop that show up for a few weeks during fall and with their growth comes the emergence of pippom bugs. These peculiar bugs, resemble the fruit they feed on and begin the pippom harvest as small creatures, growing quickly as they feed on the poorly performing fruit. Their weeding out of bad fruit makes for a better harvest as long as the pippom fruit chooses to grow. The overall quality of the fruits picked is higher and they last longer in turn, though the longer period of freshness is something of a mystery to the Mynrosians picking the fruit, they just know a good harvest can mean fresh fruit well into winter when fresh food is otherwise scarce.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Purrwing</a>


Category: Pets

Purrwings are an adorable domesticated version of the burrwing, who are liked for their soft fluffy coats and squeaky vocalizations. Outside of their appeal as pets, these domestic variants are kept as livestock since their docile nature and unique flavor simplify preparation by chefs compared to their wild counterparts. Their flavor is milder than their wild counterparts due to the lack of toxins, and differences in diet, and activity levels. So while many Mynrosians don't mind the food made from these creatures, the more gourmet inclined much prefer the flavors of the wild variants.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Recycloon</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Recycloon are a semi-aquatic pet that build their dens close to river banks and coastlines where they tend to roam. Their most striking feature is their ability to inflate like a pufferfish, going from a long slim creature to a large intimidating creature from one moment into the next. This ability to inflate, beyond a method of intimidation is tied to their role in the environment. These creatures spend much of their time gathering items foreign to the natural spaces of the waters, drawing them into their bodies with a quick vacuum of water. Once they have taken in as much water and trash as they can, they expel the water and compress the trash they have gathered, finding a place to lie down and wait for the acids in their stomach to process whatever inorganic materials they have consumed.

* An example of the recycloon's deflated form can be found here.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Wyvern" class="display-item">Sea Wyvern</a>

Sea Wyvern

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Pack animals that eat ocean parasites; they are common pets among aquatic mhoats.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Turtiny" class="display-item">Septonic Turtiny</a>

Septonic Turtiny

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A cousin of turtonics, a microscopic version of the large islands the creatures of Mynros call home. No one is sure where these little guys came from, but many do treat these little pets with the same respect they would show their island homes. There are rumors that the turtonics made them for a laugh and others that mumble about the creatures being made by Yel and Myn, in either case, these small turtonics do seem to spring up around the First Light Festival shortly after the turtonic ritual and flock to the newest turtonics to follow along like little ducklings.

Pet Variations
<a href=" Frog" class="display-item">Slime Frog</a>

Slime Frog

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A frog-like creature that can be found in bodies of freshwater and island homes. Their primary role is to absorb water so it can be purified and desalinated when it is vented from the ocean into the various water sources of the islands. When kept in homes these little frogs tend to be used as a means to recycle water for various uses.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Snowree</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These animated snowmen appear during the winter season, seeming to form directly from the snow itself as if magic has infused itself with the snow and taken form. Given this magical nature, the snowree can never fully melt away, but they are still affected by temperature. When the surrounding air is cold they become solid and can maintain their shape, but when the weather warms they begin to melt until they are little more than a slushy puddle and make watery little noises to alert others of their plight. Mynrosians will keep these creatures around, using them to keep track of temperatures though this is primarily only useful as a marker of the seasonal change from winter to spring and fall to winter.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Sprock</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A small rock-like creature with two forms, a dormant and active form. Sprocks largely spend their time in their dormant state to store up magic and light they absorb passively from their surroundings. This magic energy is spent in their active form when they come to life and shoot around wildly as a means to locate to a better place to absorb more energy. The more energy they store, the longer they can remain in their active form but it usually can't be maintained more than a few minutes unless the sprock happens to be in a magic heavy location.

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Tampukin</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Tampukin are strange creatures that spend much of their lives in the air, floating aimlessly from place to place until they come into contact with a fresh soul or the remnants of an older one. When they do, the jagged mouth on their back opens and they rip a piece of energy from the air, absorbing the memories and voice of the deceased they have consumed. Once consumed their directionless drifting seems to gain focus, with the soul directing them towards beloved family members. In return for the consumed energy, the tampukin must deliver a final message to the family of the soul they consume, communicating something important that those they lost wish them to know.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Vamish</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A large bat-like fish with a voracious appetite, this creature lives below the waves and can launch itself out of the waves to fly short distances. They seem to prefer places where mushrooms and fruit trees hang over the water for easy access to food, but thrive is most places. Despite a primarily herbivorous diet they won't overlook meals of insects, small animals, and even the blood of larger creatures.

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