Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Angelfly</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Angelfly are a common site across many of the islands of Mynros due to their general diet and ability to adapt to many different environments. While they may have a delicate appearance, these hardy little insects tend to thrive wherever they form a new hive. Given this and their ability to make honey from a diet of mushroom spores, nectar, and fermented fruits, they tend to be favored companions. A strong sense of loyalty also helps, as those who show them care or leave them treats will find they have a generous source of honey throughout the year.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Arcko</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Arcko are a strange species given that they tend to roam far and wide, but also are reluctant to stray too far from home. Their preferred place to rest is close to inhabited settlements, their small malleable bodies make them adept at fitting into the smallest places. These little guys even seem to be able to maintain footholds while sleeping upside down, making for some bizarre sleeping positions being discovered by Mynrosian naturalists. During the day, these small lizards will leave their little hideaways and wander out into the natural uninhabited spaces where they can hunt ruthlessly for various parasites before once again returning home to their little hiding spot. Everywhere these little creatures roam, they leave behind sticky footprints in the dirt and on trees, which begin to glow in the evening. Given their routine, these arcko pathways become a useful way for nighttime travelers who have lost their way to seek shelter.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Cattypillar</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Cattypillar are soft and cuddly creatures that are well-loved among mhoat; sweet and docile even when encountered out in the wild. They prefer nothing more than to laze about and soak up the sun, but their fast metabolism and singular focus when it comes to food mean they hunt voraciously for the various island parasites that hide underground among the roots of various mushrooms or just below the surface of larger mushrooms. Even burrowing under the ground to dig out a juicy morsel isn't beyond these otherwise lackadaisy little creatures, which is why mhoats that keep these little creatures of pets do well to keep a regular source of food around as they are prone to trouble.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Chargel</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

This arboreal species is drawn toward the heights of forest canopies and live most of its life in solitude save for the few interactions shared with the meringue slug colonies that dwell below the forest floor. Dwelling in the trees allows these creatures to dig into the bark of trees to dig out small parasitic creatures that would otherwise harm their homes; alongside this, they use their horns to dig out small nests in the sides of trees which they call home so they have little reason to visit the forest floor. The reason for their lives of solitude is that chargel are an extremely territorial species and when two enter the same territory they will fight until only one is run off by the victor. They are so well known for their aggressive nature that no one has actually observed a pair of chargel coming together, much less a young chargel living in the open. Given this, it is rumored that the chargel and meringue slugs' symbiotic relationship is an indication of the ability to interbreed or may even be the same species just misidentified as independent species by Mynrosian scholars.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Cheepy</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A little freshwater fish that seems to thrive in most locations, even places where other aquatic creatures are more scarce. They will often grow to fit their environment, most mhoats have an urban legend that when these creatures move into lakes or find their way to the ocean that they can become as large as sea serpents and that their appearance changes the larger they grow. Despite this, no mhoat has actually seen a cheepy much larger than the largest sea wyvern. When handled these little fish make a squeaky chirp at their smallest and a deep crow at larger sizes.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Cupidfly</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These bizarre winter decoys tend to spend their time hiding in large trees where they blend in with bunches of mistletoe, holly, or pine trees dotting the islands of Mynros. While hidden in these spaces, several of them will bundle together to conserve heat while they wait for an opportunity to nab a bit of magic from passing creatures. Their sharp mouth allows them to break the skin of a variety of Mynrosians, pets, and even parasites to draw out the magic that naturally accumulates in the living creatures of Mynros. When food is especially scarce they will even turn to feeding on the magic within the many mushrooms across the island, migrating to do so. During these periods of migration, it isn't unusual for these cupidfly to end up in a variety of abodes and gatherings where they cling to actual boughs of holly and sprigs of mistletoe to disguise themselves. In these environments, they find an easy meal in those who enter these homes or regularly live there. The bite left by these little creatures tends to cause a love-drunk feeling in the one they have fed from, causing some new relationships to bud or embarrassing moments to be recounted for many gatherings to come.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Dudbug</a>


Category: Pets

A common sight in many vabbit warrens, these little bugs are a docile version of a wild parasite bred specifically to remove their explosive qualities. Now, the little orbs they make act primarily as smoke grenades so they can escape from creatures that normally eat their wild variants. Mynrosians who own a dudbug would do well to keep them away from burrowing groles and caterpillars of all varieties as they see no difference between a dudbug and a bombug for a potential meal. The smoke-like extensions on the back of these bugs are functional wings, so it isn't uncommon to see these odd bugs buzzing around with their bodies wobbling around as their wings frantically beat to keep them in the air, especially when carrying orbs larger than their bodies.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Feexl</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A slinky little creature that can wiggle it's way into most places. It is an apex predator among the reefs growing on turtonic islands, its powerful jaws meaning it can break pieces of coral to get to prey that hide in the thicker tangles. Those who study the animals present across the world seem to think Feexl may be a cousin of the fox o' lights and other related creatures, but any explanation for how this occurred is largely considered theory rather than fact.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" o' Lights" class="display-item">Fox o' Lights</a>

Fox o' Lights

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These fox-shaped lights are made up of many smaller light motes acting as a colony to create a larger body, these smaller motes often wander off from the main body to collect the natural magic in an area to feed the main body. Fox o' Lights found in areas with large concentrations of magic can become very large, filling an entire area with light but when they hit areas of low magic they can become very small and might even break into their individual light motes until they can reform in a more survivable area. Given this need to feed on the magic of the world, they tend to flock to areas where the magic is high, such as deep mushroom forests or other locations where the environment hasn't been altered by habitation. This does tend to make this particular pet rather elusive, but during the First Light Festival, many are drawn to the displays of magic that the light show and turtonic creation bring.

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Foxylotl</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Freshwater counterpart of sea wyverns; they build nests into the sides of riverbanks.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Ray" class="display-item">Gliding Ray</a>

Gliding Ray

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Airborne creatures often kept by harvesters; their firey vents create thermals for gliding.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Worm" class="display-item">Glimmer Worm</a>

Glimmer Worm

Category: Pets

A natural evolution of the terror worm, glimmer worms are a collection of organisms that live in the tidepools of Mynros. Their isolation from the ocean-dwelling terror worms and their proximity to those who dwell on Mynros means they either had to adapt or become more aggressive to maintain their territory. In choosing to adapt they have become symbiotic with other pets they encounter in their environment and become pets for many Mynrosians who like to keep pretty creatures in their home aquariums. They still aren't well-liked by the predators in their environment, but the shimmery dust that sheds from their body acts as an irritant from any creature they come into direct contact with and makes for an effective deterrent.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Globie</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

As the turtonics wander into colder waters, a new pet surfaces along the beaches and coastal areas across the islands. Normally, these small creatures spend their time on the ancient turtonics who spend their lives in these icy waters, but during the winter they migrate to the other islands as they cross paths with their homes to reproduce. The islands coming from more temperate spaces tend to hold onto residual heat and offer an abundance of dead plant material for globie to make their nests from. As they settle in, an egg will often appear which one of the parents will carry in the translucent patch on their stomach. When the winter passes most globie return to their icy island homes, but some remain behind becoming companions to Mynrosians who befriended them throughout the winter. When kept as a pet, they tend to be used for storing items but otherwise, they tend to place random items they find in their pouch.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Gluttling</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Gluttlings are a peculiar creature, their bodies being quite soft and their appetites varied, they are known to eat anything and everything. They often appear during the fall season, raiding the many feasts being held and acting as a means to dispose of the leftovers. The food they eat becomes infused with their body, so bold Mynrosians who have chosen to take a bite of these creatures claim that it is like eating whichever food they have consumed. Should they eat many different foods, they will either have a very peculiar taste or the flavors will form in sections across their body. If gluttlings are bothered by having a bit taken out of them, they don't make it known, merely going about their business as if a piece of their body isn't missing. It is rumored that some gourmet clubs keep these pets on them to try foods they would otherwise be unable to eat without repurcussions.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Mollucera" class="display-item">Horseshoe Mollucera</a>

Horseshoe Mollucera

Category: Pets

These odd mollusks are somewhat rare throughout the year, showing up in pairs and trios on the side of ship hulls to feed on the colonies of barnacles that collect there. They use their muscular tongues to force these small creatures from the underside of the ship and as a general method to sense their surroundings as the compound eyes on their face are primarily used for sensing light levels. These creatures migrate during the summer to the various beaches of Mynros to reproduce. It is believed they are drawn by the magic concentration of the First Light Festival, which plays a part in the species' growth. The festival itself has made them a popular pet since they come in a variety of vibrant colors and are easy to maintain.

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Jollyglo</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A unique ocean creature that is seen sparingly throughout the year but gathers in large blooms during the First Light Festival, they are attracted by the excess of magic and the elation everyone feels during this time which means they light up the waves throughout the festival and will even take to the air when the celebration is at its height. Jollyglo are constructs of light and magic that require joyful emotions to solidify their form and leave the water, so they tend to only appear in moments where large celebrations occur. Otherwise, they tend to linger near the surface of the water, their form nearly invisible until something sparks their magic to make them physical once more. Those who keep jollyglo as pets tend to be fairly cheerful as the pet's proximity seems to help their mood, but they should always keep a tank of water around for when their jollyglo needs a little time to rest on the water's surface lest they dry out and disappear when negative emotions overtake their surroundings.

Pet Variations
<a href=" Spider" class="display-item">Knotty Spider</a>

Knotty Spider

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

This strangely shaped spider creates a silk similar to that made by mhoats, but at a much more rapid pace. Instead of forming layers of silk, knotty spiders instead spool out wet silk until it becomes a fine filament, meaning they are able to create a constant source of silk and actively weave it into a web. They are a popular pet among Mynrosians in the medical field since they can quickly form silk and weave out rolls of bandage, a high demand item that mhoats produce limited quantities of over the same period of time. Some enterprising Mynrosians have started to farm these spiders to collect large quantities of silk that can then be processed for other purposes such as bandages, fabric, paint, and so on. This new farming technique is still being established, so most of this produced silk is prioritized towards commodity use or luxury items, rather than being offered as a raw material in markets.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Lerring</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Lerrings are bizarre little creatures, lacking the regular facial features of most pets, instead their head resembles the end of a small bell and when they move around, they even give off a quiet jingle. This jingle is used as a type of magical echolocation, the sound moving through objects and materials allowing the lerring to create an internal map that constantly updates as they move through the world. This particular ability also makes them exceptionally good at finding specific objects hidden below ground or behind walls, which makes them a popular pet for a variety of purposes; search and rescue, truffle hunting, metal finding, and many other jobs where something hidden needs to be found. Their native environment tends to be the mountains and caves in high altitudes where it snows often, but during the winter they can be seen more often around the lowlands.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Luggy</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

This strange bug-like creature is commonly seen during the winter, emerging from their long hibernation to avoid overheating during the warmer seasons. It is suspected these creatures spend much of the year underground where the temperatures are more cool and helps balance out their superheated bodies. They are cloaked in an extremely thick shell which leaves them slow and lumbering compared to most pets, and soot and ash will accumulate on their body over time, making them a fairly messy companion. Most Mynrosians who keep them will create a little hearth where they can live while providing a constant source of heat to their homes.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Slug" class="display-item">Meringue Slug</a>

Meringue Slug

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Slinky, weasel-like creatures that produce an acidic liquid from the ends of their prehensile tails; using their tails they create complex warrens of tunnels where communities of these creatures seek out the roots of mushroom colonies to break down and feed on. Their dietary needs actively stunt the growth of new fungi and limit the expansion of the colonies they live under. Those who keep these slugs as pets often feed them a special diet to reduce their acidity so they can't cause damage around their homes.

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