
<a href=" Oribird" class="display-item">Nevermelt Oribird</a>

Nevermelt Oribird

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Oribird

This strange variety of oribird stands out from its more flexible cousins, it is rather rigid and made of a strange variety of ice that seems unaffected by temperature and weather. A strange inner magic glows within this oribird and appears to fuel their constant frozen state. So, despite being unable to carry messages like other variants of oribirds, these odd little ice cubes find use in various roles. Some Mynrosians use them for cooling during the summer, maintaining temperatures where food is stored, or even creating ambient temperature effects in a confined area. These oribirds appear most often during the winter, the nature of their locomotion is somewhat mysterious as they tend not to move when observed leading many to think they only move when they can't be seen.


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<a href=" C" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat C</a>

Mhoat-Boat C

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Boat

Artist: restingden

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell similar to the more common mhoat-boat, but unlike its cousins, it tried to take in the color of a number of pets which appear during the First Light Festival. With this look, it hopes to attract curious folks. Patiently waiting for the chance to swipe their Saltie Shells when they least suspect it!

<a href="" class="display-item">Kittyglo</a>


Category: Pets

Pet Species: Jollyglo

This unique variant of jollyglo appeared quite suddenly, a random mutation that seems to have multiplied quickly. The fondness most Mynrosians have for creatures resembling cattypillars seems to be the reason for this explosion of kittyglo. Where a jollyglo will fade when feelings of joy fade, the kittyglo seems to maintain a permanent form fueled by the fondness felt towards the kitty-like pets their appearance mimics. When these emotions are particularly intense, the kittyglo will produce sounds from purring to a plaintive mew, all meant to enhance their adorable nature. Unlike their summer counterpart, kittyglo don't appear to form large blooms, instead preferring to maintain a general territory and feed off the positive emotions their presence and the presence of other pets, such as cattypillars, produce.


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<a href=" Cat" class="display-item">Boxy Cat</a>

Boxy Cat

Category: Pets

This very unassuming pet loves to hide in plain sight, sneaking itself away into storage spaces in Mynrosian homes or factories where boxes of many types are piled high. Should a few items go missing or the food stores be a little short near the end of winter, well then it's certain one of these little creatures is hanging around. Most Mynrosians find it difficult to be angry with this little creature, its disarming appearance and loveable response to being discovered distracting enough to allow it a quick escape. There is a floating rumor that one shouldn't look inside the mouths of these little creatures, as something frightening can to be found within. No one seems to have been brave enough to find out, or anyone who has didn't get to share the tale.


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<a href=" Cattypillar" class="display-item">Naked Cattypillar</a>

Naked Cattypillar

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Cattypillar

This hairless variation of cattypillar is particularly odd, often causing an outcry that it isn't even a cattypillar at all! Alas, it is indeed the oddball among this beloved species and has a unique role to go with its appearance. Instead of spending their lives foraging above ground, these cattypillar spend much of their lives underground, blind to the world and following their nose for their next meal. Since they are poorly equipped for digging, these cattypillar tend to follow the routes created by other diggers, such as meringue slugs, burrowing groles, or even vabbits. They are drawn to freshly dug tunnels, where the disturbance in the surrounding soil will draw out parasites for them to eat and where remnants of roots are more easily accessible. Much like their aboveground counterparts, these cattypillar have a voracious appetite and need to keep moving constantly to find their next meal.


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<a href=" Llama" class="display-item">Candy Llama</a>

Candy Llama

Category: Pets

The candy llama is commonly kept as livestock across Mynros, but the value of their candy coat isn't for its ability to be used as clothing material, but instead for being a bizarre delicacy across the islands. Most parts of this pet are edible from the sugary sweet saliva they spit when threatened, the fruity horns on their head, or even the minty tail that regenerates when broken. Even when shaved, their coat can be eaten as is for a sweet treat, but if layered in a pan and cooked, the texture changes to a spongey, sweet cake. Given their versatility in producing food, they are often kept by farmers or those with some extra space in their gardens as inviting these creatures inside is to welcome sticky floors and a variety of stray objects sticking to their bodies.


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<a href=" Fish" class="display-item">Ambrosia Fish</a>

Ambrosia Fish

Category: Pets

The ambrosia fish is a venus fly trap in fish form, floating drunkenly from one location to the next until some curious creature catches the scent of the sweetly fermented liquid inside its body and wanders in. At this point, it snaps shut and its meal is digested into more of the sweet alcohol held within the body. The more this fish consumes, the more liquid-filled orbs form on its head, which can be plucked and consumed by pets, Mynrosians, or even the parasites they lure into their body. One may wonder, how a creature filled with liquid can keep that liquid within the container of its body when open to the surrounding water. The answer is surface tension, the liquid so viscous it repels the water and is kept in the cup of an ambrosia fish's body until expelled or in rare instances actively poured into a container by another creature.


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<a href=" Eel" class="display-item">Possum Eel</a>

Possum Eel

Category: Pets

The possum eel is what happens when an entity of pure chaos is imbued with the power to stun its prey with electricity. Mynrosians may question the intelligence behind this creature's soulless gaze, but they can never question the efficiency of its hunting style. These creatures depend on their mouth to interpret much of their world, even though they have perfectly functional eyesight and sensory skills, their teeth appear to have additional nerve endings that fire off more refined information than they gather from other sources. A soft bite can tell them if the material is organic or inorganic, parasite or pet, mushroom or plant, and depending upon this information they respond accordingly. Many a stray nibble may frighten Mynrosians but those who truly fear these creatures are the parasites they aggressively stun with electricity and consume or the mushrooms they rip to shreds for smaller fish to consume.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Nyatsdis</a>


Category: Pets

This small, bipedal ball of fur is known for its general clumsiness and tendency to tumble wildly over its own two feet. It can often be seen in flower meadows or near flowering plants, swishing its tail and gathering pollen that it then transfers onto the surrounding flowers. It has even been known to find widely separated patches of the same flower and carry pollen between them to improve the diversity and health of the resulting seeds. Despite not drinking nectar or gaining any nutrients for this behavior, the Nyatdis play the pollinator for the opportunity to consume the seeds these plants will drop later. Consuming the seeds provides them energy and in turn, the stray seeds caught up in their fur while eating can be moved to a new location, encouraging the spread of plants in locations they haven't grown before. During seasons when seeds are scarce, they will enter hibernation by hiding away in burrows built by other creatures to wait out these periods of famine.


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<a href=" Raptor" class="display-item">Wooly Raptor</a>

Wooly Raptor

Category: Pets

Many goods across Mynros are made of mhoat silk, so many in fact, that mhoats often struggle to produce the amounts of silk needed for things such as clothing and blankets. This is where the wooly raptor comes in, an easily kept pet and a reliable source of wool that can be woven into a warm winter material. Farmers across Mynros keep these raptors, gathering their wool and sending it off to be processed into fabric used throughout the fall and winter when clothing made from mhoat silk fails at keeping Mynrosian's warm. Outside of their use in the creation of fabrics, these creatures often lay eggs which Mynrosians collect regularly as a breakfast staple or to be used in a variety of baked goods.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Telefish</a>


Category: Pets

This strange pet takes the form of a school of small fish, with the largest fish taking control of the school through telepathic communication. The strange array of sensors that one of these fish form atop their body marks them as unique from the rest of the school, with the others often throwing themselves in the path of predators to protect the one in control. When the central fish is harmed or consumed by a predator, one of the others in the school will rapidly grow in size and form the same sensors seen on the original control fish. Among Mynrosians, it is speculated that these pets are a harmless variety of parasites as they don't appear to have a dedicated role outside of being an easy meal for most aquatic creatures, nor do they appear to cause damage to turtonic islands.


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<a href=" Vamish" class="display-item">Lovebite Vamish</a>

Lovebite Vamish

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Vamish

A lovely variant of vamish that appears primarily in the spring, this impish little creature is known for its lovebites which cause its prey to become docile so it can feed unbothered. Similar to the standard vamish, these creatures will launch out of the water and fly short distances using their long wing-like fins. However, where vamish tend to be omnivores, the lovebite variety seems to have specialized in consuming the blood of larger creatures. A unique feature of this vamish is the oddly heart-shaped scales they appear to shed, many Mynrosians walk the beaches during the spring to collect these small scatterings of scales which when washed and fried can be used as a decorative garnish to romantic dishes made during this season.


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<a href=" Wyrm" class="display-item">Puff Wyrm</a>

Puff Wyrm

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Petal Wyrm

The puff worm is a unique variety of petal wyrm seen most often in the spring. Their bodies can be fully covered in a cottony coat, but the places where their body rubs against branches are often bare with the cotton being shed and caught in the rough bark of branches. This cottony covering produces an irritant that causes trees to leak sap and mushrooms to eradicate branches where this material touches. Alongside affecting the branches the puff wyrm sheds on, this material can draw parasitic creatures to the surface, allowing this creature quick meals as it travels from tree to tree, preferring to be on the move compared to the more stationary petal wyrm.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Totes-a-Vabbit</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

Similar to totes-a-mhoat these bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of themselves form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unlike the mhoat variant, these vabbit mimics appear more stable and have a more refined appetite, only eating organic materials. While just as ravenous, they seem to reproduce at a set pace independent of how much they consume, making them less of a headache for careless Mynrosians. Similar to the mhoat variant, it appears that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce.

<a href=" A" class="display-item">Mhoat-Tote A</a>

Mhoat-Tote A

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Tote

Artist: Numiauri

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. This variety of pet mimics a tote bag and can be seen lingering near markets, the less observant mhoat may pick this up only to discover all their purchases have been consumed by this trickster.

The ability to fly is not something one would expect from this variety of tote, and the words on its body seem just as confused with this ability as every Mynrosian who is tricked into using it, once it absconds away with their shopping.

<a href=" P" class="display-item">Mhoat-Tote P</a>

Mhoat-Tote P

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Tote

Artist: PromptoBeans

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. This variety of pet mimics a tote bag and can be seen lingering near markets, the less observant mhoat may pick this up only to discover all their purchases have been consumed by this trickster.

Is this variety of mhoat-tote a paper lantern or a bag? Maybe it's filled with gold! No, it seems that it has fooled many a passing Mynrosian while making off with random items on their person.

<a href=" S" class="display-item">Mhoat-Tote S</a>

Mhoat-Tote S

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Tote

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. This variety of pet mimics a tote bag and can be seen lingering near markets, the less observant mhoat may pick this up only to discover all their purchases have been consumed by this trickster.

This variety of Tote doesn't seem to be fooling anyone. It's unclear what this particular Tote was thinking when it camouflaged itself, but one thing is sure- there are many who would consider this Tote's sleek design... pretty fresh.

<a href=" Turtiny" class="display-item">Leporidae Turtiny</a>

Leporidae Turtiny

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Septonic Turtiny

This strange turtiny strongly resmebles vabbits...but also a root vegetable? Mynrosians seem unclear on what connection exists between these two objects as vabbits aren't know to have a particular fondness for carrots over other foods. Perhaps the turtonics are playing a prank of their own this year or these miniature islands are an inside joke among them. Either way, they do appear rather cute and fond of the carrots they resemble, so Mynrosians don't have to wonder over the best way to keep one of these small creatures as a pet.

<a href="" class="display-item">Dudbug</a>


Category: Pets

A common sight in many vabbit warrens, these little bugs are a docile version of a wild parasite bred specifically to remove their explosive qualities. Now, the little orbs they make act primarily as smoke grenades so they can escape from creatures that normally eat their wild variants. Mynrosians who own a dudbug would do well to keep them away from burrowing groles and caterpillars of all varieties as they see no difference between a dudbug and a bombug for a potential meal. The smoke-like extensions on the back of these bugs are functional wings, so it isn't uncommon to see these odd bugs buzzing around with their bodies wobbling around as their wings frantically beat to keep them in the air, especially when carrying orbs larger than their bodies.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Bombug</a>


Category: Pets

Pet Species: Dudbug

The wild variant of dudbugs, these parasitic creatures are known for their tendency to create explosive light shows throughout the cave systems of Mynros. The explosive orbs are used to clear out empty pockets below ground where hives of these bugs will create hidden mushroom gardens to feed themselves and their young. These gardens are often built in isolated caverns, meaning that vabbits find them by accident or they slowly become revealed over time due to burrowing groles and other creatures seeking out these hives for a feast. Those brave Mynrosians who keep these creatures as pets will have to be careful of their diet, and feeding foods to reduce the explosive nature of their orbs. Even so, they should expect to find little orbs hidden away that will give off tiny pops like small fireworks if they allow these little creatures to wander freely.

125 results found.