
<a href=" Oribird" class="display-item">Wishing Oribird</a>

Wishing Oribird

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Oribird

A unique and festive version of oribird that flock to the various temples around Mynros during the spring. These creatures can fold out into a full sheet and temple acolytes will write a wish or wrap an already written one in the oribird's folds to have it delivered to individuals willing to grant another's wish. How these oribirds find recipients is undetermined, but it's believed they can sense a generous spirit and follow that sense to deliver their message. Rarely, these oribirds will stick around once their message is delivered, choosing to remain by a particular mhoat or vabbit's side instead of returning to another temple.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Totes-a-Mhoat</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet looks the most like a standard mhoat, it makes many wonder if these pets are the incomplete results of creation magic.

This Pet species has the following subspecies:

<a href="" class="display-item">Mhoat-Tote</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet mimics a tote bag and can be seen lingering near markets, the less observant mhoat may pick this up only to discover all their purchases have been consumed by this trickster.

This is a Pet subspecies of: Totes-a-Mhoat  

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell present on the bottom of its body, which allows it to float on water without becoming sticky or breaking apart. Due to this, it can only consume items or unfortunate pets who sit on its "deck", capturing them by furling its meal in the sails on its back.

This is a Pet subspecies of: Totes-a-Mhoat  

Pet Variations
<a href=" O" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat O</a>

Mhoat-Boat O

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Boat

Artist: Oboe

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell similar to the more common mhoat-boat, but where its cousin will eat anything this one seems particularly keen on calcium, bones, fossils, and other such items.

<a href=" S" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat S</a>

Mhoat-Boat S

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Boat

Artist: Speedy

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell similar to the more common mhoat-boat, but unlike it's cousins, it tried to blend in by copying the looks of mhoats it had came across. It couldn't quite remember the third Mhoat it tried to copy.

<a href=" P" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat P</a>

Mhoat-Boat P

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Boat

Artist: PromptoBeans

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach. Oracle's research has revealed that getting these creatures wet makes them slower and considerably heavier, and it takes them a lot of time and energy to dry off or reproduce. The Boat variants have a heavy resistance against this, but it affects them just as badly, aside from the surface expected to float on the water.

This version of the pet has a hard shell similar to the more common mhoat-boat, but unlike its cousins, it feasts upon currency of any kind which is unfortunate for bankers and money hoarders alike.

<a href=" A" class="display-item">Mhoat-Boat A</a>

Mhoat-Boat A

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Mhoat-Boat

Artist: Numiauri

These bizarre little creatures result from broken magic and no one knows where they came from. They are incredibly squishy with the texture of a kneaded eraser and appear to have a unique method of reproduction, duplication. When these creatures are fed they will take the energy generated from the food and begin a budding process, where smaller versions of itself form and split from the surface, eventually breaking away. Unwise or messy mhoats may find small items disappear or feed to these little creatures which can quickly escalate into a ravenous hoard forming. For this reason, it's best not to feed them at all and to keep any small objects out of reach.

This version of the pet has a hard shell similar to the more common mhoat-boat, but unlike its cousins, it appears to fear water, the back half of its body lacking a shell and risking this creature dissolving into whatever water it may swim in.

<a href=" Cattypillar" class="display-item">Fishy Cattypillar</a>

Fishy Cattypillar

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Cattypillar

Artist: Numiauri

This aquatic cousin of the standard cattypillar has abandoned its back limbs in favor of a fish-like tail that allows it to swim through the waterways of Mynros. It spends most of its days on the muddy river bottoms and along the shores of lakes digging through the silt for tasty underwater treats in the form of parasites, cleaning up a turtonic's hide in the process. Like regular cattypillars, these lovable little catfish are popular among the residents of Mynros, especially among farmers who work with water-bound crops which makes them particularly useful in aquatics settlements.

<a href=" Sea Chargel" class="display-item">Deep Sea Chargel</a>

Deep Sea Chargel

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Chargel

Artist: Numiauri

This bizarre variation of the chargel lives deep below the waves, unlike its arboreal cousins who prefer the heights. Despite the strong visual difference, they both share an aggressive and territorial nature but this particular aspect is exaggerated in deep water chargels. When two of these species meet they will fight until one is forced outside of the territory, the larger of the two often claiming dominance and the full food supply of a particular location. For this reason and given their normal deep-sea environment, these are not a particularly common pet even among aquatics so very little is known about them beyond the knowledge that one shouldn't keep two of any chargel together.

<a href=" Namudzu" class="display-item">Oceanic Namudzu</a>

Oceanic Namudzu

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Namudzu

Artist: Numiauri

This ocean-dwelling variety of namudzu completely lacks eyesight, instead depending upon the tentacles across their body to sense their surroundings based on light levels. Given this lack of eyesight, these creatures tend to be very leisurely in their travel, floating slowly from place to place and letting their slow movement lure in unsuspecting creatures. They are just as likely to feed on parasitic aquatic creatures as they are to make a meal of creatures Mynrosians would consider pets, so those who keep these creatures pet are advised to give them pools to soak up moisture as well as isolation from small creatures of any kind. Instead, caretakers of these aquatic creatures can substitute their diet with a variety of fruits, mushrooms, and vegetables.

<a href=" Onyan" class="display-item">Striped Onyan</a>

Striped Onyan

Category: Pets

Onyan are all the unsettling intelligence of an octopus in the adorable fluffy, big-eyed appeal of a feline. These creatures are known for having the ability to invade any space, be it on land or in the water, and even more for escaping any containment. This talent for navigating their surroundings makes onyans an apex predator usually contained to the depths of the ocean, but during the summer they surface around the turtonic islands for the easy meals that come from the festivities. It is rumored that most onyan seen during the summer are juveniles with their adult variation being much larger and rarely leaving the depths.

<a href=" Mollucera" class="display-item">Horseshoe Mollucera</a>

Horseshoe Mollucera

Category: Pets

These odd mollusks are somewhat rare throughout the year, showing up in pairs and trios on the side of ship hulls to feed on the colonies of barnacles that collect there. They use their muscular tongues to force these small creatures from the underside of the ship and as a general method to sense their surroundings as the compound eyes on their face are primarily used for sensing light levels. These creatures migrate during the summer to the various beaches of Mynros to reproduce. It is believed they are drawn by the magic concentration of the First Light Festival, which plays a part in the species' growth. The festival itself has made them a popular pet since they come in a variety of vibrant colors and are easy to maintain.

Pet Variations
<a href=" Octoboros" class="display-item">Season Octoboros</a>

Season Octoboros

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A fuzzy snake biting it's own tail, in the shape of the infinity symbol. It's markings signify the four seasons.

<a href=" Turtiny" class="display-item">Celestial Turtiny</a>

Celestial Turtiny

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Septonic Turtiny

Artist: Numiauri

This mini version of the larger turtonics has appeared alongside the arrival of Yel and Myn, they even strongly resemble the very island the two celestials arrived upon. This turtiny appears to navigate without sight, the large sensory horns sprouting from their face sensing the magic in the air and creating a map of their surroundings, which may leave many a Mynrosian slightly uneasy around these bizarre little turtles. Unlike most turtinies, this particular type seems to gravitate towards the magic used throughout the festival, flitting from one location to the next to gather orbs of light that fill the flower on its back to the brim. The purpose of these pearls of light is currently undetermined, but perhaps an enterprising Mynrosian may discover a purpose for them.

<a href=" Angelfly" class="display-item">Will-o-Wisp Angelfly</a>

Will-o-Wisp Angelfly

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Angelfly

This odd variation of angelfly is drawn to sources of magic, much like any angelfly but unlike others, it has formed sharp mandibles that allow it to clip at a variety of moss and lichen that makes up the majority of its diet. It is most commonly seen in dense sections of old forests where their main food source grows in abundance, but during the Slumbering Feast, these angelfly emerge to swarm in the cemeteries visited by the acolytes of Myn and the families coming to meet the spirits of their family. During this season Mynrosians will pull the moss and lichen that forms over the graves and leave them in large bins throughout the cemetery where these angelfly can feed freely and create lovely light displays for visitors to enjoy. 


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<a href=" Luggy" class="display-item">Pumpkin Luggy</a>

Pumpkin Luggy

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Luggy

This variation of luggy is rather strange, as they seem to have abandoned the firey element others of their kind are known for and have instead developed the ability to produce acidic chemicals. The acidic saliva they produce is very effective at turning organic material into an edible sludge that these luggy feed on and given their appearance it is no surprise that they spend much of this season among the many pumpkin patches that are ready for harvest. While on first appearance they may look like some strange pest, these luggy are actually key to a successful harvest as they function as an effective scarecrow for any wandering pests or pets who might make a snack of the pumpkin patch and they also act as weeders, eating small plants that will affect the growth of pumpkin plants and later by eating the pumpkins that succumb to fungus.


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<a href=" Sprock" class="display-item">Cheshire Sprock</a>

Cheshire Sprock

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Sprock

Like other sprocks, these dice-shaped guys charge up by collecting kinetic energy and flare to energetic life when this energy is spent. Given their unassuming appearance and mischievous tendency, they are considered to be the trick dice of a tabletop game, often flaring up during a tense moment and giving the players a sudden fright. Once the energy is dispelled they go right back to being an unassuming dice, but it's only the bravest soul who can pick up the dice and toss the sprock right back into the game. The sprock themselves seem to enjoy being a part of the game as it allows them to quickly build up energy and release it in an amusing display.


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<a href=" Pippom Bug" class="display-item">Forbidden Pippom Bug</a>

Forbidden Pippom Bug

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Pippom Bug

This pippom bug resembles some forbidden geometrical fruit, though what fruit they may be is a mystery. There is some speculation that they aren't mimicking fruit at all, but the very dice that are suddenly appearing across Mynros as many take part in the games held within the Timeless Shop. It seems that when curled up, these pippoms are the exact size and shape of one particular dice, meaning that they can easily find themselves tumbling across a tabletop when picked up by an inattentive hand. If some of the other dice on the table seem to disappear throughout the game, well some connections could be made about these little guys' diets.


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<a href=" Phoenix Sprock" class="display-item">Snow Phoenix Sprock</a>

Snow Phoenix Sprock

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Sprock

This adorable variety of sprock has the appearance of a little snowball in its dormant state, always donning a pair of coal eyes and a mischievous little mouth completing their appearance. However, when activated, their bodies explode into a vibrant display of firey color flitting about in a bird-like form. In this state, their dormant form disappears "melted" by the energy it burns off, and returns once the energy is depleted.  This sprock creates new energy a bit differently than other variants, requiring kinetic energy to fuel its future ignition. So those looking to view the colorful display are encouraged to push these little guys down a slope so they can roll and gather energy.


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