
<a href=" Sooty" class="display-item">Pet Sooty</a>

Pet Sooty

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Pet Rock

Artist: Numiauri

A little creature that seeks out warm places in the colder seasons, it isn't uncommon to find them sleeping near a warm fire. They seek out food crumbs and turn them into sweet little star treats, making them a favorite for clean-up at parties where food is plentiful.


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<a href=" Wyrm" class="display-item">Petal Wyrm</a>

Petal Wyrm

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These strange slinky creatures like to hang out in tree canopies; when prey is plentiful these creatures will form colonies and make the tree they call home appear as if it is constantly in bloom. They feed on parasites that burrow under the bark of various trees or other plants by camouflaging themselves as blooming flowers and when these parasites dwindle in number petal wyrms will often move off to find a new tree, often leaving their colony and becoming solitary. Solitary wyrms tend to be more aggressive, making angry squeaks when threatened and being protective of their territories when others cross their boundaries.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Nudiphym" class="display-item">Blooming Nudiphym</a>

Blooming Nudiphym

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Nudiphym

Artist: Numiauri

This elegant cliders emerge in the spring, following the air currents and flocking to freshly blooming flowers to consume their sweet nectar. This diet of nectar causes them to give off a fragrant, floral scent from the flower-like appendages on their bodies. In the process of eating nectar, they often pick up pollen, spreading it throughout fields of flowers as a pollinator. Area where these nudiphym roam are known to produce strange crossbreeds and unique colorations as they spread pollen across different flower species and create magically influenced mutations.


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<a href=" Arcko" class="display-item">Star Arcko</a>

Star Arcko

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Arcko

Artist: Numiauri

The star arcko, much like their more common counterparts are known to leave trails everywhere they wander, but unlike the standard arcko these little guys don't tend to lead those wandering the wilds back home. Instead, their trails tend to lead Mynrosians deeper into these wild spaces. Those who discover they are being led astray often find their way back, speaking about some odd lights and unsettling skittering. Most write this off as a sign of these arcko whose body and feet give off a green glow as do the many stars that trail their body wherever they roam. Others, speculate that these creatures are drawn to sources of strong magic and that the magic density in these locations can cause bizarre visual anomalies and sounds. Whichever the case may be, very few Mynrosians have been brave enough to seek out the truth of these enigmatic arcko.

<a href=" Luggy" class="display-item">Astro Luggy</a>

Astro Luggy

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Luggy

Artist: Numiauri

This variety of luggy is strange to those living in Mynros, no one is entirely sure what its shell is supposed to represent, but the space theme makes many wonder if turtonics have seen some strange things in the past. These luggy seem to release flames from the base of their shell and tend to show up on rocky terrain where their flames won't fire or singe the ground. Blacksmiths like to keep this variation of luggy to heat the fires of their forge and the luggy seem to enjoy the hot space and free meals that come from this arrangement.

<a href="" class="display-item">Sprock</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A small rock-like creature with two forms, a dormant and active form. Sprocks largely spend their time in their dormant state to store up magic and light they absorb passively from their surroundings. This magic energy is spent in their active form when they come to life and shoot around wildly as a means to locate to a better place to absorb more energy. The more energy they store, the longer they can remain in their active form but it usually can't be maintained more than a few minutes unless the sprock happens to be in a magic heavy location.

Pet Variations
<a href="" class="display-item">Cheepy</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A little freshwater fish that seems to thrive in most locations, even places where other aquatic creatures are more scarce. They will often grow to fit their environment, most mhoats have an urban legend that when these creatures move into lakes or find their way to the ocean that they can become as large as sea serpents and that their appearance changes the larger they grow. Despite this, no mhoat has actually seen a cheepy much larger than the largest sea wyvern. When handled these little fish make a squeaky chirp at their smallest and a deep crow at larger sizes.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Cheepy" class="display-item">Pale Cheepy</a>

Pale Cheepy

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Cheepy

Artist: Numiauri

A domesticated variety of the wild cheepy, this little fish has been selectively bred for its unique color and the decorative fall of its fins. They are poorly suited to life in the wild, so they are usually only seen in homes or at special shows where breeders of this pet show off their most unique variation on these little creatures.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Spinnow</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A very small fish that makes an easy meal for many aquatic creatures, they tend to form schools for extra protection against the many predators who find them appetizing. Those living close to the shore tend to gather in the shallows where larger creatures can't easily reach them or linger around squail who offer their own type of protection. Their little beaks allow them to dig in the sediment in the sand to catch little parasitic creatures that most creatures overlook, this habit often makes them look like little birds bobbing around and pecking up seeds.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Feexl</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A slinky little creature that can wiggle it's way into most places. It is an apex predator among the reefs growing on turtonic islands, its powerful jaws meaning it can break pieces of coral to get to prey that hide in the thicker tangles. Those who study the animals present across the world seem to think Feexl may be a cousin of the fox o' lights and other related creatures, but any explanation for how this occurred is largely considered theory rather than fact.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Squail</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A deceptive little cephalopod who spends much of its time bobbing along the surface with its shell on full display. It waits for bird-like animals to land on the water to make meal of the unfortunate fowl. Its appearance often attracts little spinnow to it, to act as bait to attract the birds as well as easy snacks when meals aren't quick to present themselves. Spinnow seems largely untroubled by this behavior since the proximity to a squail does create some passive protection from most underwater predators. Unsurprisingly, squail are thought to be fairly intelligent for their ability to lay traps, as well as control their environment, and any kept as a pet, can end up being a handful for the owner.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Vamish</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A large bat-like fish with a voracious appetite, this creature lives below the waves and can launch itself out of the waves to fly short distances. They seem to prefer places where mushrooms and fruit trees hang over the water for easy access to food, but thrive is most places. Despite a primarily herbivorous diet they won't overlook meals of insects, small animals, and even the blood of larger creatures.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Nyanemone</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A little aquatic creature that secures itself to various surfaces in its water home through the use of a suction-like foot as the base of the body. Due to this anatomical detail, the adorable face on this creature is actually a false one, with the true mouth being hidden in the cluster of tails at the top of the body. Similar to anemone, food is taken in by the mouth but also is used to expel waste products. The tails surrounding this mouth are used as a wiggly lure to encourage small fish and little parasitic creatures towards its mouth. Alongside these tempting lures, the nyanemone is able to purr, giving off vibrations to aid in attracting a variety of curious creatures. Despite being largely aquatic, these little creatures can spend periods of time on land, though their body grows droopy as they need the water to assist in maintaining their form.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Turtiny" class="display-item">Septonic Turtiny</a>

Septonic Turtiny

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A cousin of turtonics, a microscopic version of the large islands the creatures of Mynros call home. No one is sure where these little guys came from, but many do treat these little pets with the same respect they would show their island homes. There are rumors that the turtonics made them for a laugh and others that mumble about the creatures being made by Yel and Myn, in either case, these small turtonics do seem to spring up around the First Light Festival shortly after the turtonic ritual and flock to the newest turtonics to follow along like little ducklings.

Pet Variations
<a href=" Gluttling" class="display-item">Pumpking Gluttling</a>

Pumpking Gluttling

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Gluttling

Artist: Numiauri

This variation of gluttling spends much of their time in pumpkin patches, tending to the crop by consuming those that are outcompeted by larger pumpkins or ones that randomly become diseased. This makes them a fairly common sight during the fall when pumpkin crops are at their peak and many Mynrosians visit these patches to harvest them for a variety of uses. Spending all their time around pumpkins and constantly consuming the failing plants, these gluttlings have an appearance and tough hide resembling the crop itself. Even their tongue mimics the appearance of pumpkin guts and were some Mynrosian brave enough, they could even take a bite to discover that their bodies are indeed made of pumpkin meat. Internally, their bodies contain the same flame bursting from the crown on their body, meaning whoever would take a bite out of them would have to be very brave indeed.


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<a href=" Nyaterpillar" class="display-item">Black Nyaterpillar</a>

Black Nyaterpillar

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Cattypillar

Artist: Numiauri

This rarely-seen variant of cattypillar is native to the underground, they are best known among vabbits, and their name, nyaterpillar is a variant unique to the vabbit underground.  Unlike their above-ground counterparts, these creatures and slightly less cuddly as they have red hot claws that can easily scratch through stone and their fur gives off sooty dust when handled. Vabbits in particular are fond of these little creatures despite the danger their claws present, as they can be used for marking pathways throughout the caves when properly trained by those who build out and explore the underground.


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<a href=" Ray" class="display-item">Snowy Ray</a>

Snowy Ray

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Gliding Ray

This variety of gliding ray is especially acclimated to cold climates and instead of releasing heated air from the vents on the underside of their body, they instead produce little snow flurries. While they tend to flock to islands in colder waters throughout the year, they appear to migrate during the winter season and appear in large flocks when snow covers most of the other islands. Most believe this is partially due to a larger availability of food during this time of year, but that it is also a breeding season for rays in general as different types of rays gather and mingle in large flocks during the winter and create murmurations that many mhoats enjoy going out to view despite their usual aversion to the cold. Those who are lucky enough to keep one of these rays as a pet appreciate these little creatures' cold nature during the summer as hugging one of these rays is like holding a little ice pack and creates a pocket of cold air around the individual in question.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Mallotweet</a>


Category: Pets

These strange little creatures appear during the winter season but are elusive throughout the rest of the year. They have a thick coat of edible feathers that many like to collect when they fall as they are fairly sweet and a little sticky like marshmallows. Those who handle these little birds tend to be careful or wear gloves as their body heat can wear down the feathers and make them sticky and clumpy which often makes a mallowteet particularly irritable. Beyond this quality, these birds are always giving off little tears that taste like hot chocolate, so it is fairly common for those seeking a treat to set out a mug and these birds' favorite snacks to lure them in and claim a cup of cocoa for themselves.


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<a href=" Cattypillar" class="display-item">Cupid Cattypillar</a>

Cupid Cattypillar

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Cattypillar

Artist: Numiauri

Cupid cattypillar is a rare mutation seen among love cattypillar and like love cattypillar appears to be drawn to feelings of love. They are so strongly aligned with this emotion that they are often thought to be manifestations of Livinia and have become associated with her as symbols of love. A favorite old-mhoat's tale even claims that these little creatures settle with couples who are thought to be soulmates or those who are soon to meet their soulmate.


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<a href=" Angelfly" class="display-item">Lovebug Angelfly</a>

Lovebug Angelfly

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Angelfly

A newly discovered angelfly, this variation of the creature loves to nibble on items and creatures with high magic concentration. When they bite a creature, they leave the victim with a lovestruck feeling toward the first individual they meet. Fortunately, for those who keep these small creatures as a pet, they quickly build an immunity toward the love bites these angelfly leave and they can minimize bites by leaving plenty of plants that absorb magic around for them to feast on instead. The honey these angelflies make is unique as it is often described as giving those who eat it nostalgic feelings of first love, which makes it a favorite for comfort treats.


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