<a href="https://www.mhoats.com/world/items?name=Sashimimi" class="display-item">Sashimimi</a>


Category: Pets

Sashimimi are a common sight among aquatic settlements, often kept as livestock by those dwelling there. Their long bodies grow over time and eventually form a pink section that sheds segments over time. These segments are cuts of fish steak that aquatics use as a regular source of protein, gathering and cooking them up whenever they are available. The older a sashimimi gets the longer its body and the more fish steaks it can produce, the oldest sashimimi being seen as a sign of prosperity for an entire settlement, but the more difficult they are to maintain as they require more food and often will swim to more plentiful waters if a settlement cannot satisfy them. During the summer, these fish flock to the coasts where the First Light Festival is held, with much of the fish served during the festival being gathered from these creatures.
