Site News

A Bad Start to a New Month

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Speedy

"This thing on..?" *cough* "Sounds like it.. that cough echo'd throughout the sound booth.. Right.."

"HELLO FANS EVERYWHE-GHGH.. Echem.. So, as always, I'm called in late and I'm once again here without proper contract.. Though I can't really blame 'em this time.. Turns out some virus gone 'round the place, and pretty much everyone has gotten sick! Even I have gotten the bug, despite being here, what, once a month.. Eesh.."

🎲 Past Adventure! 🎲

"..Oh, this has to be.. Ah fine, whatever.. A mysterious mhoat only referred to as The Wizard has set up shop nearby.. They offer an excursion into a different world!.. Or at least, the world of your imagination! Oooooh~!

You can participate simply by imagining what sort of Past Adventure you'd have.. or by.. er.. Hrm. It seems that the shop isn't actually fully opened yet. I just heard that Po.. er.. The Wizard also has fallen ill. Still, the thought exercise stands."

Oracle Task

*cough* "With the Oracle out again, Leander is looking for assistance! He seems to be doing better than usual.. Unlike the rest of us, haahAGHGHg- sorry, sorry..

Anyway, the Oracle's assistant requires assistance in gathering mushrooms!.. Just.. mushrooms. Sample mushrooms. From high places, low places, dry places, wet places.. It seems the research is focused on common magic!"


"There've been more updates to.. the.. site? Whatever the site is. Here they are:

  • User Profiles has been somewhat updated, the character section now looks clean and fits more on the page. Finally, it's been moved above the gallery submissions.
  • The User Sidebar has also been updated, Characters have been split off from the User section and there's a new dedicated Masterlist section to find characters that the user is designer or artist of. The Gallery section has also been moved downward, right above history.
  • Realm of Mynros in general has been updated to Lorekeeper 2.1.3. This solves a few bugs, some of which were resolved by our very own techie Speedy.
  • The base primal Magic trait images have had a minor overhaul to make them look different in each stage, as is the placeholder. We're still working on magic, and we repeat our apologies that it's taking so long. There were other priorities, unfortunately.
  • Following this, the Magic Schema has also had a very minor update, aesthetically. Mostly to differentiate the traits, due to the above image update.
  • The Wizard has been leaving tracks all over the site. Management would like to apologize for the delay in their official release as well, but it seems that even nearly all the staff above has fallen ill.

Tricky Treat

"The final month of the Slumbering Feast and the final month for the trickiest of treats! Remember to pick one up before the month ends!"

*cough* "And the final point of the month, our spotlight! Wonder if someone left art of anyone I know this month.."

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"Well, that should be it.. It seems last month has been quite busy, but mostly with being sick, ugh.. Let's see if things will be better soon."

"Pap out~!"

Spooky Scary Party Skeletons

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Speedy

"...So, first and foremost, while I'm on mic and audible, I'm formally requesting a proper d*BEEP* contract for future broadcasts. I keep getting called in at like last minute to be the old bones' replacement and I got asked last time why I keep being 'so late' with my broadcast. . .. Ah well."

"HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! So the folk here have like no idea where the resident pile of bones is, and apparently instead of setting up a search party for him, they got in contact with me again to do this thing. You'd think they got more respect for their longtime employee.. I mean, dude's all bones, they pulled him from the grave just to host this thing!.. Haha, just kidding, of course.. Let's move on."

Scare Party

"So, the annual SCARE PARTY is up and.. this is the first one? That's.. okay. Please don't write annual on my cue card then.. . Anyway, it's underway and it seems folk are having fun scaring others and getting scared. I'm not sure why scaring folk is that much fun, if you're gonna do surprises or pranks, they should be silly, all this spooky stuff.. Nah, s'not for me.

Apparently one location is very popular due to the realistic-looking skeleton they got running around.. One report states that they .. uh.. were.. surprised that the skeleton was chasing them to ask for.. interviews.. wait a tick.. Nah, it can't be, can it.. Never mind all that.

Oracle Quest

"Well, the resident Oracle is back and the prices in their store are back to.. I refuse to call this cheap, it's more a normal price. That assistant must be overpricing folk. It's why I don't check the place out when the Oracle ain't around! Just no use in it.

Either way- the collectathon the assistant made us go through, to find those elemental materials.. It seems the Oracle is curious what we'd do with them. Meanwhile, the assistant is asking for a final ingredient- Fossilized Remnants.. which is, in turn, one of the materials to work with! All quite interesting. Not really my thing, though."


"I've been told that there was a mix-up and they forgot to announce.. more updates last month. Here they are:

  • There is now a Full Inventory option in your Home Inventory! Find all your items held by all of your characters!
  • All Inventories can be shown summarized in a similar manner as the Full Inventory. Just click the button in the top right of your inventory!
  • Administration continues to apologize for the lack of magic prompt. It has apparently been very busy lately.
  • The Magic Schema apparently has some minor differences for those unable to use some magic- biggest victim of this are Vabbits.
  • Currencies now have proper descriptions, essentially adding some more lore.
  • Some traits and items have had their descriptions altered to be more accurate and specific, and others still finally got a description.

Tricky Treat

"One final note before I move on: We're still in the middle of the Slumbering Feast.. and that means there's a Tricky Treat for ya in the event store! For free! In fact, there's one each month.. I hope all of you remembered to pick it up last month- and take this as a reminder to do it this month. And of course- next month!

Now, onto the monthly spotlight! Did your art make it in? Probably! We're not very picky."

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"Anyway, that's it for today, I found a distinct lack of refreshments in my dressing room and I just heard there was ONCE AGAIN no footage, just audio.. This won't do. I'm not gonna come back if this keeps being like this... Ah well, sorry fans, I should stop complaining and get to more direct action.."

"Pap out~!"

Boneless Slumbering Feast 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello my dear Mynrosians! It seems the creepy and wonderful season of Fall has fallen upon us~ I'm glad I got back in time to announce it! So much has happened and I was out being worked to bones! I see now why the old newscaster is only bones now...... Anywayssss, Let's dive right into a cozy sweater and get started on today's news!!!!"

Event Header

"To begin, I got to point out the Slumbering Feast Shop as I hear there is a free lil' goodie waiting inside~ Alongside some wonderful new little pets. They both like to light up the night, I hear! We also have some spooky new traits that you can sink your roots into~ There are two awards for the season as well so make sure to join on in for the cauldron surprises, so you can snag everything you'd like."

Event Header

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • There is now a copy character code button on all character pages!
  • Magic has been temporarily taken down, we just wanted to fix it up a bit better! Our apologies!
  • There is a new Magic Schema page for every character and more will be updated on it.
  • The gallery has been resorted to look much nicer.
  • When adding traits, the difference tag was lost but now has been re-added!
  • There is also a new Oracle Task now up, it's time to collect some Starlight Ash.
  • More traits and items have descriptions now, as they should.

With that, on to the prompt~"

Imagine the Aqua Vabbit

"Speaking of being worked to the bones, since the Celestials, Myn and Yel, has left. I've seen quite a lot more of magic around. It was just a common thing for scholars to learn but now? It seems everyone has been trying to get their paws n' claws on! So much so, that even the magic that some cannot learn, they have been going around and creating art of possible 'what ifs'. This time I've been seeing so much art of a new 'what if', of what seems to be a water magic using Vabbit! How neat~ Some even seem to make them look like lil' siren Vabbits. If you'd like to send some of your art into the news station, we could share it next time we go live!! So please send your art in. "

News- Gesture

"Now, do take care this wonderful and creepy Fall everyone~"

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News Outro

The Gods Are Real

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Speedy

"....-uys want me to keep doing this, maybe hire me ahead of time and not get me as a last minute host.. what do you mean the mic is already on, I'm not even properly in the booth y..." A sigh could be heard. "...Well then.

HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! As you probably heard I just now basically got dragged in here because our resident pile of dry bones is still out and about.. wait, does that.. Yeah, yeah. Okay, the camera is STILL missing in action. Of course. I'll just stay the anonymous secret announcer, I suppose. Now let's see here, what kind of news is ther.."

Yel & Myn

"THE CELESTIALS ARE REAL?! THEY ARE REALLY HERE OUT AND ABOUT, MEETING MHOAT AND VABBIT ALIKE?! Oh, OH, OHHHH, NOW I GET IT. Pretend it was some fake crap last month, so that I can get humiliated.. Sheesh. I bet that meeting the actual gods of our world left that skeleton nothing but an ACTUAL pile of dry bones, huh.. I guess that other old man must've catalogued the gods properly at this point. Bet that stuff with the statues won't be happening again, now that we got accurate info on what they look like..

Either way, Yel and Myn.. Wow. The actual Celestials. And according to this.. they're basically going with whomever catches their attention, and.. they are giving out little pets to whomever they meet? Agh, I want one of those.. I wonder how they manage to go from island to island so fast, though.. They did kind of arrive without much fanfare, nobody noticed until they were already among us.."

Magic Progression

"As for that whole magic surge last month.. apparently that was because of the Celestials as well. Kind of obvious in hindsight. Those lucky enough to have been caught in it found themselves capable of using very low level magic.. Others will have to to learn the base magic primer first.. Whew.. Looks like there's an entire complicated system set up. You can find more information about this in our info section on Magic in Mynros.

I guess that's what Skylar has been doing last month, but it's very technical.. I bet it'll be fine tuned over time, when people get more familiar with magic. Besides, I'm fairly sure that this basic Primal magic isn't the end of it.."

Mhoat Anniversary 2023

"On a more distinct note, the anniversary of our realm had kinda come and gone, likely overlooked because of the magic surge and the celestials.. Kinda hilarious in hindsight. There's a freebie over at the General Store and you can get your own little octopus plushie with a small task. Because this kind of went by so secretly, it's been decided that this will run until the end of this month, rather than for only a scant few weeks.. I don't know who makes these decisions, but I like it!

Oh, and the Oracle is out again. . . though there were some new items in the store for a few days, they're already gone.. Well, they'll likely be back eventually. But I do have another note that the demand for elemental items is still on-going. I wonder what the plan is.."


"On a final note, I have a formal apology for the slow updates and such.. not sure from whom or what updates they're talking about.. Ah well. The reason I am given is that apparently everything was exceedingly busy the past few months, and such the timeframe for things have been pushed up.. Uhh.. Okay? I guess??

Let's just move on. I should be wrapping up about now.. if it weren't for our monthly spotlight! Did one of your pieces make it in?"

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"...Now, if I'm gonna be hired again, there'd better be some refreshments in my dressing room.. and, maybe.. fix this camera situation?? You guys spend like 15 minutes on getting me ready for the camera and there ISN'T EVEN ONE! Who is running this show??.. Ah.. right.. Sorry about that, fans.. Let's just say, I got a bit of work to do off-camera."

"Pap out~!"

Celestial Magic Surge

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Speedy

"...Well, well. Didn't expect to be ALLOWED in here, let alone requested, after having to break in last time. Of course that old bones took the camera with 'em, something about recording an historical event with another old mhoat.." *cough* "Anyway..

HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! I am. NO LONGER hiding from the authorities and am only wanted in the ways of being a good news host!.. Or at least, a good replacement, and this is a week late.. Not my fault, though! But I'm still annoyed that we got no working camera. Again, my handsome face is hidden, and I'm all by my lonesome in this booth.. Alone with some JUICY TIDBITS, that is! Let's sum this up!"

Magic Attack!

"So, I'm assuming this 'historical event' the bones and the historian are looking to record is this surge of magic?? Folk just abusing a stronger flow of magic to have basically the magic equivalent of a snowball fight in summer. And apparently there's a.. what does this say.. Yel and Myn.. What, some historical re-enactment or something? As if the most important celestials would show up out of the blue for a First Light Festival.. Sure.

Anyway, it seems folk who are empowered by this surge of magic seem to truly have an easier time using magic. Even those who left the radius of the effect.. and our local magic buff.. uh.. Skylar, I think? They seem to be working on something related to all this. Hope it doesn't leave their shop unattended, I haven't done my groceries yet.."

The Oracle

"Oh yeah, speaking of shopping! The Oracle is back! If you didn't help 'em out last time around, be sure to do it this time- that shop of theirs has some interesting goodies, and without a key you don't have entry. The stock seems a bit more limited than last time, but I heard something about new stuff? I guess the shop's stock is whatever the Oracle brings with them when they finally return.. Means that you just don't always get what you want. Hmm.. That seems to be a common thread in that shop, huh.."

"I guess this is where ol' Inky would start telling y'all to have a good day or something, but I found another minor update to mention- something about.. uh.. 'clicking the ellipses on any page navigation revealing a page selector'? It says it's a 'site update', but I have no idea what that means."

*fingersnap noise* "Anyway, last up is our little gallery of spotlights for the last month- let's see who made it in there this time!"

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"Whew, wasn't that great? I wonder when they'll hire me next.. or if I gotta intrude on my own.. Guess only time will tell!"

"Pap out~!"

Prideful First Light Festival 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello my dear Mynrosians! It seems that summer is here once again to melt the flesh off your bones, I know that I don't got to worry about that myself~ But please, do take care and make sure to not overheat or melt this summer! As I would miss you terribly quite so if you did!!! Other than summer hopping on by, it's also now June!!! I heard that many forms of pride are celebrated this month, so I hope you all have a good time being proud of yourselves for all the small things and the big things. Take it from my old bones, you are all made wonderfully~ So let's be proud of you and of others!!!"

Event Header

"To begin, let's go about the seasonal event! It's now time for the First Light Festival and all that it lights up. As it lights up quite a bit~ Such as the Grand Light Display and the new Glow-in-the-Dark Vabbit Plates and the many lights that are set up around. So it's actually quite bright and really brings out the light in things. Hehehe!!

Although, we should hop on a lesser bright note, it seems the beaches have been cluttered up! Many forget to clean up and it's up to us to help out our lovely turtonics by cleaning this mess up. There are even some awards being given out to those who decide to help out. That's alongside the base award that's being given to those who join in the First Light Festival.

With another note, there are two new summer pets, but, that's not all! It's seems there is a mass invasion of cute lil' prideful pets in the pet shop! Not only that!!! But they knocked down some merchandise during their invasion. While most was picked up and accounted for, I was told there are still 6 colorful bracelets still missing. Please check out the Scavenger Hunt information below-"

Click here for the Scavenger Hunt information.

Event Header

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • The site has now been updated to PHP 8 as well as to LK 2.1.2.
  • There are still open adopts, alongside new ones from the World Baking Day set!
  • There is also a new Oracle Task now up.

With that, on to the prompt~"

Statues Vandalized

"With last months debate between many vabbits and mhoats, it seems someone in the chaos decided to vandalize the statues! If anyone has information regarding the individual(s), please notify Vin, the one in charge of the events and the one paying for the statues. Then notify me, as I would love to interview them! It would be such an honor to be able to record the details of these events as they happen in extreme detail~"

News- Gesture

"Now, do take care this summer and happy pride month everyone~"

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News Outro

Sleepless May

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Well, hello to all of my favorite Mynrosians! So the news was delayed due to an unfortunate fight breaking out... To explain it, the First Light Festival is just around the corner and with it, comes the festival for the oldest celestials, Yel and Myn. As I was told from Polybios and other sources, it seems the newly arrived Vabbits believed in the opposite of what we, Mhoats, do. As they believe Myn is the Celestial of Space and Creation, and Yel is the Celestial of Time and Death.

Now Polybios has told me there are old legends saying the same!! What a wonder! I do believe these guys are telling the truth, but it seems many do not!!! I guess this is the first real issue between the new arrivals that claim to know our oldest Celestials and the ones who've been here for ages. There's been four full days to calm the situation, but tensions are still running high. I do wish this will all calm down soon... Though despite my lack of eyes, even I can see that it won't. So please be safe and listen to those around you, no matter what they say."

Timeless Nights

"Here are some other minor news for today:

  • We're also now running on a newer version of Lorekeeper!
  • On your user profile, there is the minor addition of an icon next to your alias, alongside the fact that you can now see all the other aliases by clicking the arrow next to it. (If, at least, you have more than one alias.)
  • Character inventories now match user inventories, and all categories can be closed if needed.
  • The Oracle is now out! Beware, prices in their shop have risen considerably and most of the stock seems to be gone..
  • The Oracle's Quest is also gone, but there is now a new Task! So you'll still be able to get Sporepuffs!
  • Speaking of the Oracle's Task! We now have an icon for them!
  • This is also the last month for the scavenger hunt!! So be sure to get all of the prizes before it's no longer around.

With that, please take care and have a wonderful month~”

News- Gesture


"We've received word that some items are getting a price reduction! Something about market value.. I'm not an economist, so I wouldn't know, I can't even count my own bones!

Kelpie Mantle & Seafoam Cloak

In the First Light Festival Shop
40 -> 35 Saltie Shells

In the Oracle Shop
40 -> 25 Pearlescent Sporepuffs

Aquatic Orb

In the General Shop
125 -> 110 Caps

In the Oracle Shop
40 -> 20 Pearlescent Sporepuffs

Ah, of course.. Pricing for Oracle Shop items do not reflect when the Oracle is not in.."

News- Wide Open Arms

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News Outro

Draw to Adopt Kits '23 Results!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

We received wonderful entries for the Kit Draw to Adopt and after careful consideration we have determined the winners!

The winners are as followed...

Goblin Mode

Gecko Dragon

Gliding Saucer

Pastel Blush

Ink Drops

Floral Roo


It was difficult for some to be singled out among the rest, but we hope the new owners find lots of enjoyment with their new official designs.

The Oracle Event

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello to all of you wonderful lil' mhoatlings! I heard there was quite the commotion going on yesterday! As it seemed someone left a bunch of lil' presents on everyone's doorsteps!!! They had these weird mhoat looking creatures inside, it was quite the scene to see!! With all of these new lil guys running around, I swear they seem familiar though... I dunno, as if they are a reference to something I know of.. hm... BUT, perhaps not! I mean, what's so boaty around here? It's not as if the turtonics are like giant mhoat boats, carrying us all around or something! So, let's hop right into the news and forget about that weird day!"

News- Wave

"Here are some minor news for today as I have a guest to introduce soon! As it goes:

  • The GA signups have officially closed and the GAs have been picked, so good luck to the GAs!
  • Likewise, the DTA event is now closed for submissions and we will betaking a bit longer to decide on the winners! There are just so many wonderful entries to pick from!
  • The little bank boxes on user profiles now looks neater! They are set to displaying only caps and any currencies that you own!
  • For the Raffle, FNGaymer has won! Congratulations!!! There won't be a raffle this month though but I hope you enjoyed the designs so far!

Without further adieu, may I welcome the wonderful Oracle in! They have quite the tale to tell~”

The Oracle

"Oh, Inkwell! Giving me a moment in the spotlight, aren't you a dear! Hello, my fellow Mynrosians, I have returned from my winter travels with a wonderful surprise for you all! I have opened a shop! Where, you might ask? Why, everywhere! You'll all see very soon, I'm sure, just follow that string of energy that draws us all toward our fate.

So mysterious, it's true, but those who find my shop will quickly find rewards and fortune at their very fingertips. However, these things rarely come easily and so you'll have to do a small favor for your dear Oracle first.

Yes, it's simple! Just perform a small quest for me and in return, you will have the key to my shop. It's not an actual key, no no that would be unwise... there is so much that could happen to an unsuspecting Mynrosian when I'm not in the shop, oh dear! Just a small trinket, enchanted to clear the sights of illusions that hide the shop's true nature.

The Oracle Shop

Now, I'm not in the shop at all times as I have to travel to restock my wares. Fear not, as my delightful shop assistant, Leander, handles all the smaller requests for materials, should you speak to him you will find the requests easier, but in return for lesser rewards and new customers will have to wait to receive a key. Fortunately, there is no time limit on his requests, so even the busiest mhoat can seek out a reward.
I'll be attending the shop for the entirety of this month and then I'm off once again to discover new delights to share with you all. So do be quick if you'd like a key to purchase all the fantastic items I have in stock. Those who dally will have to wait for my return and miss out on some items that are set aside during my absence. The prices do increase as well, oh dear, well those are the troubles of a limited supply, aren't they?

Fortunately, my potions are always available but to avoid selling out I have packaged them unlabelled so you can never be quite sure what you will receive. Even though I am not always certain, my they do all resemble each other, don't they? Open a box and drink it down, and you'll quickly find yourself uniquely transformed! Oh isn't that fun?

Random potions are a gamble, but every twist of fate sends us in a new direction. So, be patient dear Mynrosians and perhaps the future will allow for potions made on demand."

News- Gesture

"To end it all, I, Inkwell, wish you all good luck and I hope you have fun with these prompts~"

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News Outro


Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Admin