[Gift] The Adventure of Totes-a-Mhoats and Berries

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  Wisteria was out for her daily berry collecting at her favorite part of the forest nearby. She would always go there every Friday morning, since this day usually had really nice berry picking weather. After taking a swig out of her water bottle, she thought to herself, “Now, what recipes should I use with these berries? Make juice out of them, berry pie with a side of ice cream? Oh,vanilla yogurt topped with berries and oats”!? Just thinking about it made her mouth water.

  Suddenly she was interrupted from her thoughts by a weird noise coming from a decent distance behind her. She was confused because it oddly sounded like some sort of squeaky toy? She put her water bottle into the basket and picked it up. Slowly she turned around and squinted a bit to see what it was, watching as the unknown source of said noise got closer. When she got a closer look at it, she was a bit taken aback that it was a Totes-a-Mhoat. The creature was patchy with different colors and patterns, as well as pretty orange flowers and a huge stitch on its head. It even looked like it was drooling purple despite having no mouth.

  Wisteria knew that she wanted to catch one of these little guys at some point tomorrow,so she could check out the new mysterious shop that had opened. She wanted to see what was inside and get to meet the mysterious Oracle that ran it, who was looking for one of these creatures for something. What were the odds of her finding one today while she was out. She was interrupted from her thoughts when the little creature stopped in front of her and looked up, its snout twitching in the direction of her berry basket held in her mouth. Much to her dismay the Totes-a-Mhoat started to jump up and down to try to get to her basket. 

  She tried to keep the basket out of reach by straightening her back as much as she could with her top-heavy build. “N-No! I’m sorry but these are my berries, little Totes-a-Mhoat”, Wisteria exclaimed. She froze upon realizing that she could use these berries to lure the creature to the Oracle shop! Too bad that the shop is a good distance away from where she was at, but she decided to herself that,”You know what? This opportunity was given to me, so I can’t back out now because when will I ever get this opportunity again”? 

  “A-Actually I have way more where this came little one, j-just follow me”, she said with an awkward smile, making the little Totes-a-Mhoat perk up in what Wisteria interpreted as excitement. Wisteria slowly began to walk as she began to lure the creature away from their spot at the berry bushes, making sure once in a while that the creature was still following her. She hoped the Totes-a-Mhoat’s attention remained on her the entirety of the trip to the shop.


  After a while of Wisteria stopping every so often to make sure the Totes-a-Mhoat continued following her, something crazy happened. She got first paw experience with the method of how Totes-a-Mhoats reproduced and that they don’t like water, and it was something that Wisteria never wanted to experience again because it was crazy!



Wisteria wished that she was more careful because she had tripped, causing some of the berries to fall out of her basket. Thankfully there were only about four of them. This didn’t go unnoticed by the Totes-a-Mhoat, because it quickly ran and ate them up. Much to her confusion afterwards the little creature flinched away upon seeing her water bottle, which had fallen out of her basket along with berries. Wisteria sighed, picking up the bottle to put it back in her basket. “I guess it’s not too bad, it was just four ber- Wait”! 

  Suddenly she remembered that she heard somewhere that apparently it’s not wise to feed them, but she doesn’t remember what happens if they do. Soon her answer came in the form of smaller versions of the Totes-a-Mhoat forming and splitting from the creature. Wisteria was just flabbergasted, now four other of the little guys following her. More than that they were all crowded around her, looking at the pastel vabbit intensely. “H-Hey now! That was a mistake, you weren’t supposed to eat those yet anyways”, Wisteria stuttered, backing away out of the middle of them,” Just a little bit to go then you can have as many as you want”!
  “Yeah right! You won’t be getting anymore today cause I'm going to give you to the Oracle once I get to her shop”, Wisteria thought to herself as she began to pick up the pace, determined to get to her destination before more crazy stuff happens. “Wait… what do I do with the rest of them? The Oracle would probably only need one, right”?! 


   They continued on their way, though Wisteria did notice that the even smaller Totes-a-Mhoats were becoming oddly irritable. She was starting to get worried. She noticed that they were getting extremely close to her, which is oddly quite intimidating. Her fight or flight instincts screamed at her to start running. She quickly picked up the Totes-a-Mhoats that she plans to give to the Oracle. Placing it into her basket, she began to run. 

  “DON’T you dare eat any more berries until we get to where we need to go”, she ordered the little creature. Oddly enough it listened to her, but right now with this situation Wisteria wasn’t about to complain. She ran as fast as she could, looking over her shoulder once in a while to see the other smaller Totes-a-Mhoats still giving chase. “This better not all be for nothing, because this day has been insane”, Wisteria huffed to herself, then she realized something. “Maybe if I dump all of the water out of my water bottle on them, the little ones might go away”!

  She did just that.

*End of Flashback*

  Who knew water did that to this type of Totes-a-Mhoats, I can understand why they hate water so much. If Wisteria was being honest that she was feeling a bit bad, but she needed to focus on what she needs to do. She looked down at the little creature that was now by her side. She was thankful that this little thing didn’t eat any berries when it was in Wisteria’s basket. Speaking of which she was quite surprised that the Totes-a-Mhoats wasn’t really showing any interest in the berry basket.

  Maybe it enjoys spending time with her despite what happened to what basically was its babies? To be honest she personally grew a fondness of the little creature, spending so much time together despite the craziness that they went through together. It’s almost kind of bittersweet that this little adventure was going to end, but hey it was fun while it lasted. Speaking of which, Wisteria noticed that they were getting closer to the Oracle Shop. The shop looked so mysterious and pretty, it was making Wisteria feel oddly excited.

  “Well it looks like we are coming to our destination… So we are going to meet someone that seems pretty cool that I really want to meet. The shop is owned by this Mhoat named Oracle and I’m really interested in the cool stuff she might have”, Wisteria said to the Totes-a-Mhoat, who was looking at her.

  “Well I’m honored that you think so highly of me and my shop, I’m guessing you’re here to give me that Mhoat-Boat A”, A voice asked, causing Wisteria and the little creature in question to jump. She picked it up and turned to see that it was the Oracle! Wisteria laughed awkwardly and held up her little buddy to Oracle,”Y-Yeah”!


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[Gift] The Adventure of Totes-a-Mhoats and Berries
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In Oracle Prompts ・ By RandomPurpleKitty

Wisteria had quite the adventure getting a Totes-a-Mhoat to Oracle lol

Submitted By RandomPurpleKitty for The Oracle's Quest: Catch the Totes
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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[[Gift] The Adventure of Totes-a-Mhoats and Berries by RandomPurpleKitty (Literature)](https://www.mhoats.com/gallery/view/771)
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